What is a vault?

A vault in Palisade is a logical collection of wallets.

Vaults are used to bundle common wallet use-cases together. In other words, if you have multiple wallets that are used for a common purpose such as paying merchants or automating your savings, then these wallets can be kept together in the same vault.

Common vault setup

Users are free to setup and organise their vaults however they wish, however the following setup comprising 3 separate vaults is quite common on the Palisade platform:

  1. Treasury vault: contains all wallets that hold funds belonging to the organization on a long-term basis. These wallets can only transact with wallets inside the Outbound vault. No API credential is allowed to interact with wallets inside this vault.
  2. Outbound vault: contains all wallets that hold funds which are earmarked for outbound transfers. In a typical flow, these wallets receive funds from wallets inside the Treasury vault and execute transfers to wallets that are external to Palisade. API credentials have access to these wallets as they can only transact using allocated funds.
  3. Customer vault: contains all wallets that hold funds on behalf of a customer. These are omnibus style wallets that receive deposits and process withdrawals on behalf of a customer. These wallets only process inbound transactions from the customer's wallet (external to Palisade) and outbound to either the customer or to wallets inside the Treasury vault. API credentials have access to these wallets to perform sweep operations.


Wallets, once created inside a vault, cannot be moved to another vault.

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