
Palisade provides an easy way to connect your wallets to other Dapps and services through Wallet Connect.

Open a connection

  1. Navigate to Connections in the main console navigation or to the Connections tab within a wallet and click 'Open connection'.
  2. Using the modal choose which wallet you wish to open a connection with. Not all chains (and so wallets) are compatible with all Daaps and services available with WalletConnect.
  3. In another browser tab or window navigate to the Dapp or service you wish to connect and using the choose to connect a wallet. Select the WalletConnect option and copy the Connect wallet link in the modal.
  4. In your open Palisade console, paste the link from your clipboard into the 'Open connection' modal and press continue.
  5. If the Dapp or service is supported and the blockchain is compatible a connection will be opened with your wallet.
  6. All open connections can be seen from the Connections page. Connections can also be viewed and opened on an individual wallet basis in the Connections tab within each wallet.


Read more about WalletConnect on their website.