Types of devices


Users can create and link devices to their organization in Palisade in order to secure private key shares, approve and sign transactions. Devices are essential for securing and using MPC wallets and they are optional for approvals.

For example, when a user makes a transaction requiring an MPC quorum signature, the relevant device(s) will receive a notification requesting that the user sign.

There are 2 types of device that can facilitate secure approvals and signings. Both types of device employ a robust security architecture, allowing users to control and protect their assets from any location.

Mobile devices

The Palisade platform offers a dedicated mobile iOS application, Palisade Mobile, specifically tailored for transaction approvals, signature generation and securing private key shares.

Simply download the app and make sure notifications are enabled for this app in your iPhone settings.


Coming soon!

The Palisade Mobile app is currently only available on iOS. An Android version of the mobile application will be available soon.

CloudSign devices

Palisade CloudSign devices run on a cloud instance rather than a mobile and operate programmatically.

If you wish to set up a CloudSign device, email [email protected] for specific instructions on how to download and run CloudSign.


CloudSign devices can only be used for MPC quorum signatures, not approvals.