Manage address book


Each address belongs to a counterparty so you must create a counterparty before adding any addresses.

Create a counterparty

  1. Select ‘Create counterparty’
  2. Enter the counterparty details, including name and description
  3. Select the type of counterparty
    This may be a decentralized application (dApp), individual or organization.
  4. If you select individual or organization, enter the individual or organization’s details, including legal name and full address

Add an address

  1. Select ‘Add address’
  2. Select the counterparty that the address will belong to
  3. Enter the destination wallet address
  4. Select one or more blockchains that are supported by the address
  5. Enter the name of the address (description is optional)
  6. If the destination address is custodial (ie. controlled by a custodian such as Coinbase), you must select ‘add custodian details’. A search bar will appear so you can search and select the correct custodian
  7. Click the ‘submission’ checkbox to confirm that the custodial information you are submitting regarding ownership of the destination wallet is correct


Any counterparty/address details are subject to compliance checks and may not be available for immediate use.

Delete a counterparty or address

Counterparties and addresses can be deleted from the ‘actions’ bar in their respective tables.


API docs

See our Addresses and Counterparties API docs for information on how to use address book via the API.